Leslie's Personalized Slates

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Who needs money.......all of us had reduced or free lunches with the exception of the Aiello's...as kids we thought they were richest people on earth. Other than Donald Trump I never seen so many places with the Aiello name attached to it.  They were still down to earth people though and didn't judge others that had to eat surplus cheese!

So we took a break during the games for lunch......it was great, just like the old days....we loaded up our lunch trays with authentic cafeteria food: Linda sandwiches, Pizza, Johnny Marzetti, Gravy Train, Tater tots, Buttered corn, Peaches, Monster cookies, Peanut butter Whimsies. Once the tray was loaded nerves kicked in and the pressure was on.......oh no....who do I sit with???...After lunch mod the whistle blew and it was round two for the games.

Our beloved hair net lunch ladies...

Best gravy train makers north of the Mason-Dixon line.

I got me some grub dude
Rob, caterer, from South Street Bagel Co.
Oh yeah....uh huh...we got your menu right here
Up here... I'm sitting up here
John did the "eat and run"
Back row left: Johnny Marzetti and Hamburg gravy.

Front row left: Peanut butter whimsie, Linda sandwich, Tater tots

Going back for a double lunch
The Smiths
The Zameroskis
where do I begin????
Any leftovers for us??
Dan the chick magnet at the "spouseless singles" table
Pictured from top left: peaches, Johnny Marzetti, Linda Sandwich

Bottom left: Gravy train, tater tots on top of pizza and last but not least buttered corn

The Oknefskis and Lanes
Margaret starting a lunch rumor about something that went down in the LGI west and Billy is all ears.
The Krobots
The Aiellos

(in the middle Kari and Dolly)

The Parks

(Bus 5)

Lookie here...only 15 cents more for a monster cookie or peanut butter whimsie!!!


Last modified: November 23, 2010